DID YOU KNOW?: Justin’s Law



Enzo Libertini, News and Entertainment editor.

  • The parents of the recently murdered Justin Back are now campaigning a new law that would make it much harder for those convicted of aggravated murder to make parole.
  • Did you know that some adults who serve time for aggravated murder become eligible for parol after twenty five years?
  • 12.4 percent of murder victims in 2010 were teenagers.
  • 70 percent of violent crime convicts commit another violent crime within five years.
  • Austin Myers, the murderer of Justin Back, has been sentenced to death while his accomplice Tim Mosley was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
  • Justin’s Law would make it so the mandatory sentencing would require either 35, 45, or 55 years before parole, in aggravated murder cases.
  • They are also pushing for the option to sentence juvenile’s to life without parole.
  • Justin’s parents are currently in discussions with state representative Ron Maag about drafting and presenting this bill.
  • The idea behind Justin’s Law is that if the punishments for violent crimes are harsher then young people won’t commit them, and things like what happened to Justin Back won’t happen nearly as much.
  • The bill is still in the legislative process.
  • Source: http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5070216