Perspective on the 2016 Election
Autumn Jenkins Examines Clinton vs. Trump
October 27, 2016
The main two candidates for the 2016 election are nothing less than frightening. The United States has about 318.9 million people living within its borders and the leading choices for the presidency are a woman, who has illegal tendencies, and a man, who lacks any form of filter and hence says things that are inappropriate and offensive. Although it is evident that both individuals have undeniable flaws, that would cause the average person to receive consequences, Donald Trump is the less desirable choice.
Trump has said many outrageous things in the past months spanning numerous topics. His commentary on women has especially caused outrage, with his boasts of sexually assaulting women (to an unimaginable extent of obscenity). Although a few days later, Trump denied the accusations, women began coming forward to defend the accusations. Whether the accusations are believable is beside the point: Trump did state numerous unflattering things about assaulting women. Even excusing these close-to-election accusations, Trump had been accused of sexual assault and marital rape before, according to The Atlantic, although Trump’s first wife Ivana recanted her rape accusation.
He has an interesting history of both successes and failures in his businesses. Trump supporters like to say that a businessman is the right choice for presidency, however, he likely would not have been as successful without the inheritance of his father, Fred Trump, according to The Washington Post. There is no dispute that Trump understands business. The real uncertainty is whether his understanding of business is as great as he preaches, or if he is simply good with maintaining the money his father started him with.
Comparing Trump to Clinton, although sometimes feasible, reveals not all positions, potential reforms, or scandals are comparable. Opinions on healthcare, for example, focus on different areas to improve and remove, while their reform ideas are very similar. However, their scandals aren’t comparable. Scandals are individual events that must be looked at separately. Comparing Clinton’s email scandal to Trump’s inappropriate comments is ineffective, as they are two separate events. When comparing candidates, it is best to look at topics that are relatively compatible, rather than comparing arbitrary aspects of each candidacy.
Some Trump supporters feel he speaks for the working class, according to USAToday. They enjoy his blunt manner and feel he will do great things for America’s economy. Not all of Trump supporters appreciate Trump as a person, but they like his policies and what he stands for. This is similar to views of many Clinton supporters, in that they don’t like her, but they will vote for her.
It is important to note that not all aspects of Trump are bad. For instance, he understands business, just not necessarily how to implement his tactics. He has good plans for child care, education, certain aspects of his tax reforms, and a few other categories. The biggest flaw with Trump is his personality, and that’s what is causing many to vote for Clinton. It’s not that Clinton is the desirable choice. It’s not even that she deserves the presidency. She is getting more votes because Trump has said too many things, on too many topics, that are inappropriate, especially for the position he’s applying for. Both Clinton and Trump are poor choices for the presidency, and America deserves better. However, the words spoken and the actions taken “behind the scenes” tell much more of a true story than the ones prepared for media. Clinton should be held responsible for her scandals, but Trump should also be held responsible for every single word that has passed his lips. Ultimately, an experienced woman of politics with several scandals is more fit to run the country than a businessman whose mouth could very well lead to many problems with other world powers.
Throughout the election, Clinton has regularly been leading against Trump in the polls, with Trump occasionally surpassing her, according to RealClearPolitics. It is reassuring to know that Clinton is the projected winner, according to Nate Silver, Editor-in-Chief of FiveThirtyEight, an analytics website; yet, there is still the disturbing fact that these were the choices in 2016. Clinton is not a desirable choice, Trump is even less, and so it is unexplainable how America came to the conclusion that these two represent the population as a whole. This election should make people take a longer look at society, rather than focusing on the specifics. In other words, this laughably upsetting election is only a small visual of the larger problems in society, and changes need to be made to express the goals of the American people.