Good Morning, Northmont
Broadcast Journalism Class Plans Live Morning Show

In the studio, seniors Kiani Hayes (left) and Cole Peyton (right) do a run-through.
January 13, 2016
This year, Northmont High School is planning their first live broadcast news show, to replace the morning announcements.
“I’m really excited to be a part of the high school’s first broadcasting show. We’ve been trying to get a live show for awhile and I’m so happy I get to be a part of it,” said senior Megan McKarns. McKarns was part of the middle schools live broadcast show, “Nuts and Bolts.”
McKarns is part of the talent crew. She writes scripts, researches news stories, and will be on air, but that’s not the all that goes into creating the live show. There is an even larger technical portion which involves several students working on the tech crew.
“I work mainly on the tech part of the show, more of what happens behind the scenes. I work with all the tech equipment,” said freshman Kellan Duffy, also a former member of “Nuts and Bolts.”
With the creativity and technical skills brought by the students in the Broadcast Journalism class, the school will have its first live show. The show is scheduled to air some time this month.
“I’m kinda nervous about it airing because it’s live, but I’m also really excited to see how it turns out,” said senior Michael Wright.
The class meets in room 3218, but has also set a TV Studio in a nearby classroom. The Broadcast Journalism class is taught by Ms. Rachel Brannon.