The Cat in the Hat is Back
Drama Club Plans Performance Of “Seussical, the Musical”

“Seussical” is on its Way to Northmont High School.
November 13, 2016
As Fall comes to an end, the Drama Club is preparing for their next show in February.
“It’s [Seussical], a family-friendly musical which is going to attract a large audience. It’s fun and whimsical musical, and a great way to welcome us back into our space,” said Mr. Ranger Puterbaugh, Language Arts teacher and Drama Club director.
Northmont Drama Club performed Seussical in 2005, but Puterbaugh said this production will be extremely different.
Using new technology, different props, and a new cast will make the 2017 performance whimsical according to Puterbaugh.
There will be about twenty named roles and two different ensembles. The large cast isn’t necessary, but will make the production even more realistic.
“A big cast helps when we have all the roles, [as] it makes the musical feel complete,” said Puterbaugh.
Though “Seussical” won’t debut until February, Puterbaugh already has an idea for the props and costumes, which will include clovers, giant egg, and fish.
“Props include clovers, a giant egg, fish, and a tree with a nest for someone to sit in,” said Puterbaugh, adding that costumes will look whimsical.
If interested in performing, there will be a dance audition on Sunday, November 13 from 2-5pm, a and singing/acting audition on either Monday, November 14 or Tuesday, November 15 from 3-4:30pm. Callbacks for the show will be Wednesday, November 15 after school and the cast list will be posted, outside of Puterbaugh’s room, 3204, on Thursday, November 16 in the morning. A full-cast meeting will take place on Friday, November 17. Students can find out more information about “Seussical” or Drama Club in general in Puterbaugh’s room, 3204.