Star-Spangled Catalyst
A Capella Group Performs on TV and Dragons Game
April 10, 2017
Earlier this year, Northmont High School’s A Capella group, Catalyst, participated in the audition process to sing the National Anthem at the Dayton Dragons game. The group was not only chosen to perform, they won first place earning them the honor of singing at the Dragons season opener.
“I was surprised and happy that we were the ones chosen to perform at the Dragon’s game. I’m excited and also nervous about performing there,” said freshman Lyndsey Humphrey.
The game took place on Thursday, April 6 and the group performed the National Anthem at the stadium.
“It is such an honor to us to be able to open up at the Dragon’s game opening day,” said sophomore Allisa Bechler.
The contest win also gave them the opportunity to be on Fox 45 News.
“We got to sing ‘Like a Bird’ live on the news and I got to be interviewed about Catalyst,” said senior Paige Waterman.
Fox 45 is a Dayton news channel. Catalyst performed on the morning show on Wednesday, April 5, at 7:30 am.
“I was super nervous to perform on TV and to be interviewed,” said senior Gloria Helton. “I was afraid that I would say something stupid.”
The Catalyst group has been practicing since the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year and, according to members of the group, is more like a family than a team.
“Catalyst is such a tight knit group of students who really love two things about all, performing good music and each other,” said freshman Cassidy Matthews.
The group is co-advised by orchestra teacher Mr. Ryan Chatterton and choir teacher Ms. Anna King.
“I am very proud of what everyone has accomplished and how far we’ve come,” said King. “They have grown so much…I am honored to have been there with them along the way.”
Catalyst’s next concert will be April 24 at 7:30 pm.