Solar Spectacle

Northmont Witnesses Solar Eclipse

Students in Ms. Julie Marshall’s class look at the solar eclipse with special glasses provided by the district.

Ellie Coppock, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

On Monday, August 21, an eclipse occurred that could be seen in the United States and other parts of North America. The last eclipse like this was in 1918.

“I was excited for the eclipse,” said sophomore Paige Hampton. “I have never met anyone who has seen it.”

Students did not know what to expect.

“I thought the eclipse was cool, but I expected it to become darker outside than it was,” said sophomore Madison Blessing.

Some people didn’t view the event as special as others.

“I wasn’t especially excited about the eclipse mostly because it wasn’t a total eclipse,” said sophomore Drew Haker. “The clouds blocked it anyway.”

Experts advised people to not look directly at the eclipse to avoid vision loss. The Northmont district provided special glasses for each student. Some people still experienced issues.

“I didn’t have any serious eye issues, but sometimes staring for a long time strained them,” said senior Caitlyn Hoyng.

The next eclipse visible in this region will occur on April 8, 2024.