Haunt at the High School

Northmont Students Create Haunted Halloween Movies

Posters outside the IMC promote the student-created short films.

Taylor Shively, Staff Writer

Under the direction of Mr. Cory Caudill, students in Ms. Rachel Brannon’s senior language arts class tackled a project inspired by Stephen King novels. The project began in early October, and came to its final phase on Halloween, October 31.

“We read the books two weeks ago and started the project not long after,” said senior Christian Myers. “So far it’s been a lot of fun.”

Last quarter, the students began brainstorming ideas for an author study, when Myers suggested the class do something Halloween-themed. With the help of Caudill, Brannon and the students developed the Haunted Theatre project as a project-based learning unit.  The project required students to read a Stephen King novel, and make a movie based on the characteristics of horror in each novel.

“My group is using different props like fake blood,” said senior Abigail White. “One of the group members is even going to have this scary face paint on.”

The class has been working with a local filmmaker from the International College of Broadcasting (ICB).

“Being able to work with people who are very experienced was eye-opening,” said senior Alivia Montgomery. “I never realized how much goes into making a movie.”

The final movies will be shown in the IMC during the school day on Halloween. There will be candy provided, and students are encouraged to vote for Best Picture, Best Student Performance, Best Sound/Music, and Best Costume Design. Brannon’s class has also decorated the IMC with movie posters depicting their own creations as well as caution tape and crime scene body outlines.

“I think the movies will turn out great! Everyone has really went all out to do their best on these movies,” said senior Maddie White. “I just hope people can find the time to go watch them.”

The following movies are being shown:

The Line by Mattea Parker, Charles Quansah, and Ridge Stroud

The Dark One by Christian Myers and Maddie White

The Game by Abby White, Cecelia Stebel, and Alivia Montgomery

Watched by Lindsay Mutter and Daniel Hughes

Tickets for the movies are free, but limited. They can be picked up in the IMC.