Waiting for Winter… Guard

Auditions Around the Corner

A Winter Guard flyer lists information for prospective members (image courtesy of Riley Zaleski).

Maddie Harris, Staff Writer

On Saturday, December 2, Northmont Winter Guard will be holding tryouts for the 2018 team. The tryouts will take place in the band room.

“This is my third year doing guard,” said sophomore Sara Dodson. “My favorite part of being on winter guard is the feeling after a good show.”

The winter guard director, Mr. Brian Davis, and other staff members will be picking the members of the team.

“I’m excited to see how Brian runs things this year,” said sophomore Skye Gerhart.

Before tryouts, there will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 7. It will take place in the band room, from 7-8 pm.

“I really want to improve myself this year,” said sophomore Riley Zaleski. “Im trying out for the weapon line.”

Some wanting to join winter guard have been practicing almost every day, while even previous guard members are preparing for tryouts.

“Other people should definitely try guard,” said Gerhart. “They might think it’s not their thing, but they could be surprised.”

Any student can try out for guard, even if they don’t have any experience. There will be rehearsals available before auditions.