Featured Clubs of the Week
S.A.D.D., Blood Drive, Aspirations
October 27, 2014
What: Students Against Destructive Decisions
Who: Any Northmont student is welcome
When: The second Tuesday of each month
Where: Room 151
Contact: Mrs. Coffman
Twitter: @northmontsadd or @Mrs.Coffman
Blood Drive
What: A student organization that plans and runs our annual blood drive in March
Who: Any students grades 9-12
When: Look for meeting posters around December through March
Where: Lecture hall “B” and Mrs. Abels room
Contact: Mrs. Abels or Mrs. Marshall
What: A group of kids who want to improve the climate of our school
Who: Hand picked students
When: Meets twice a month in large groups and twice a month during lunch *passes delivered to your first period teacher*
Contact: Mrs. Coffman
Room 135
Twitter: @nmontaspiration