“Speak Up, Save A Life”
Tyler’s Light Visits Northmont

Tyler’s Light strives to encourage anyone to speak up about addiction and save a life (courtesy of TylersLight.com).
April 9, 2018
Tyler’s Light, a non-profit organization that works to educate communities about the dangers of prescription and illegal drug use, was invited to Northmont High School by Board Member Dr. Karl Espeleta, to hold an assembly for students on Monday, April (tylerslight.com). The program is dedicated to equipping communities with information and resources to fight the drug epidemic, that is especially prevalent in Ohio. The group also provides resources for people, family members, and friends who are involved in the battle against addiction.
“At the assembly, the speaker talked about his son and how he passed away from an overdose,” said junior Graceson Stanton. “I thought it was really inspiring and brave for him to do that.”
Wayne Campbell is the president of Tyler’s Light. His son, Tyler, overdosed in 2011 at 23 years old. Tyler, who played Division I football after earning a scholarship at the University of Akron, had a history of drug abuse and was just hours out of rehab.
“I think the assembly not only highlighted Tyler’s life, but many other lives who were lost to drug addiction,” said sophomore Jenna Bowser.
The assembly was held for not only high school students, but eighth grade students were invited as well.
“I have already had two students come to me, and that’s just today,” said Ms. Sheree Coffman. “We know the message won’t affect every student who heard it, but I am certain many see medications differently after the assembly and will be more careful themselves and speak up to friends.”
Tyler’s Light, which began in the Campbells’ home town of Pickerington, Ohio, encourages students to “Speak Up, Save a Life.”