The Queen Is Dying???!!!
Speculators Focus on Britain’s Queen Elizabeth
The Queen on December 20, 2018 (Photo by Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)
January 7, 2019
It has only been a little over a week into 2019 and already rumors flood the internet about the Royal family. This time, it was that the Queen was going to die on Saturday, January 5.
Now obviously the Queen did not die. The 92-year-old Queen Elizabeth II, going on 67 years on the throne, is still thriving in Europe. But nonetheless, what started this rumor? Just after Christmas Day, a Reddit user named ‘Beefy_Cabbage’ started the rumor with a simple post predicting the Queen’s death (Daily Express). The post got shared, or upvoted in Reddit terms, 50, 000 times. It received 7,000 comments (Plymouth Live). The post has since been removed and the account deleted.
But, what actually happens if the Queen dies?
If the Queen were to die, there would be an official 12-day period of mourning. Union Flags would be flown at half mast throughout the country. According to Bristol Live, The London Stock Exchange would be closed for at least the day of the Queen’s funeral, if not longer.
The Queen’s body would be taken to Parliament, where she would lie in state in Westminster Hall until her funeral (The Independent). More than 200, 000 people travelled to pay their respects to the Queen’s mother. In the event of the current Queen’s death, they are expecting to vastly surpass that number.
When the Queen does pass, Prince Charles will automatically become King. That is, unless he passes the throne down to Prince William (BBC News).
The Queen is favored by over 50% of people (Bristol Live), which is going to make the funeral the biggest the UK has ever seen. But for now, the Queen is living a healthy and happy life in Buckingham Palace.