Blood Drive 2019
Northmont High School’s ROTC Hosts Annual Blood Drive

Courtesy of The Community Blood Center.
September 19, 2019
Every year, Northmont High School’s ROTC program hosts a blood drive. This year, around 100 people were signed up to donate blood. If everyone who signed up actually gave blood, around 300 lives could potentially be saved.
“I gave blood last year and again this year,” said senior John Glink. “Each time is equally as rewarding and humbling as the first, I think everyone should donate at least once in their life.”
According to Junior Julia Bergen, who took a major role in the preparation for the drive, the blood drive took weeks of planning. They not only had to get in contact with the community blood center but also get the gym reserved, make sure they have all of the right materials, and get people signed up. In order to give blood, the applicant must be 110 pounds, 16 years old, and healthy.
“I wanted to give blood but since I still was a little sick I wasn’t allowed,” said senior Jenna Bowser. “If able, I will definitely be giving blood next time.”
The actual act of giving blood only takes about 10-15 minutes. However, the whole process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
“After I gave blood I felt a little dizzy so they had me lay down for a longer time,” said senior Melissa Lambert. “The guy was super nice and brought me juice, everyone there was very friendly.”
The next Blood Drive hosted at Northmont High School is currently scheduled for Friday, February 7 in the bolts gym. Anyone who is eligible can donate at anytime at The Community Blood Center, which is located at 349 S. Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402. They are open Monday-Thursday’s from 7 am – 6 pm, Fridays from 7 am – 4 pm, and Saturday’s from 7 am – 1 pm. There are also Blood Drives that are hosted around the area every day, for more information click here.