Unity Day
Northmont Freshman Experience Unity Day

Unity in Diversity
September 30, 2019
Northmont High School conducted Unity Day, a week long event, from September 22-28th, in the hopes of bringing freshman together. Unity Day was started in 2010 and has been held every year since. Every year, 90 students sign up to help out with Unity Day.
Unity Day was started by two Northmont students talking about a program called If You Really Knew Me. The students wanted to bring MTV to Northmont, but after finding the cost to be around 5,000 dollars, Northmont decide to hold their own version of the program called Unity Day. After the day was finished with, the students and staff would fill out a sheet describing their experience.
The feedback about the program was overwhelmingly positive. Some feedback from the form said, “It opened my eyes to everybody else and their problems, the immaturity levels are so aggravating, but Unity Day helped me see that everybody is fighting a hard battle.” The feedback also said, “The whole school should go through this program. I only did it to get out of class. I didn’t expect to come out of the day a changed person.”
Unity Day has been an official program since 2014. The amount of participation is up to the individual, they can share how ever much they want about themselves as the feel comfortable. Everyone benefits from Unity Day. Present day sophomores, juniors, and seniors still have fond memories of their Unity Day. Unity Day has been occurring annually for around 10 years now.