Meal Viewer Makes Northmont
New Site Allows For Easier Lunch Access At School

Meal Viewers Logo (courtesy of
November 11, 2019
MealViewer is the world’s first custom-created platform for school nutrition that is designed to adapt to the world as it changes. It not only lets families make groups together, but it also allows schools to join in (Meal Viewer).
With this app, schools are able to update students on what’s for breakfast and lunch. Parents can also join in on this by simply getting the app or going to Northmont High School has recently hopped on the bandwagon by adding the school to the program. The lunch/breakfast staff has been encouraging students to download the app on their phones, that way they are able to not only see what is for lunch that day, but also rate the lunches/breakfasts that they prefer.
Upon downloading the app, it brings you to a screen that says ‘parent or student’. After that, the user will be asked to choose a profile name, color and to enter their school name. Then, the app will ask if the user has any allergies. The final step asks for the students or parents email, which is optional.
The app is user-friendly, making it easy for people of all ages to use. When the app opens up, the user is presented with a strip across the screen that has the days of the week, and under that are two options: breakfast and lunch. The user can tap between breakfast and lunch options for each day of the week while starring their favorites. Not only that but the app allows parents/students to rate the food item from 0-100.
Meal Viewer also allows the user to see what ingredients are each food item, making it easier and more convenient for students to choose what they can/cannot have to eat. Meal Viewer is spreading rapidly, as more and more schools join each day.