M&M’s Spokescandy Controversy
M&M Sparks Online Controversy; International Women’s Day Packet Removed

M&m’s international women’s day package
February 2, 2023
Mars, the creator of the popular M&M candy, had relaunched the color purple, as well as the new flavor, cold brew. Right behind brown and green, they are introducing their new women character, the purple M&M.
Originally the purple M&m was going to be released on their International Women’s Day package, but due to recent controversy, all of the spokes candies will be removed from the M&M’s packaging.

According to CNN.com, the chocolate candy brand said “We weren’t sure if anyone would even notice. And we definitely didn’t think it would break the internet.” Due to the outrage online, they decided to take an indefinite pause from the spokes candies. Claiming that the candies are pursuing their other personal passions.
After months of slander and commentary from Fox News host, Tucker Carlson. Mars has decided to put the chocolate characters on an indefinite hiatus. Tucker Carlson’s claims were mainly about how the green and brown M&m’s weren’t as sexy as they should be.
Early in 2022, to make the brand more inclusive and unifying, Mars had taken the Stilettos and the go-go boots off the women characters. Those shoes were replaced with white sneakers. Tucker Carlson’s involvement started there, with him saying that “M&M’s will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous,” according to Wired. His attachment to the company is vastly unknown.
Since those comments, it has only sparked more people, to “troll” M&m’s as well, even causing it to trend on Twitter earlier in January. M&m’s response, that their new spokeswomen Maya Rudolph posted on twitter.