India Tiger Population Rises

India’s Tiger Population has Been Rising for the Past Four Years

Nation Geographic pictures India Tigers

Nation Geographic pictures India Tigers

Solo Stamper

The number of Tigers in India has gone up by more than 200 tigers. India’s tiger population is now 3,167. The endangered species is now growing and thriving.

The Tiger’s population is ever-growing and according to BBC News, “Mr. Modi said India had ‘not only saved the tiger’ but also given it a great ecosystem in which to flourish” (April 10). This is all because of Project Tiger; which has been helping to keep the Tigers alive and give them a wonderful environment to live and thrive. The project was founded by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1973 after the tiger population started to become dangerously low. 

CNN Pictures India Tiger

The population of tigers was not just dropping due to natural causes, BBC News reported that “between 1875 and 1925 alone, some 80,000 tigers were killed in India, one estimate says. Bounty and sports hunting were rampant and by the 1960s, the number of tigers had dwindled precipitously.” (April 10). Since then, they have been putting laws and regulations on hunting tigers, to keep the tigers safe. BBC says, “Laws were also strengthened to make it virtually illegal to kill or capture wild animals even when they were involved in conflict situations with humans.” Meaning that even if a tiger injures or kills a human it is still illegal to harm the creature, because of how low the number of them there is. 

So far, these laws have protected the tigers allowing the population to grow. BBC News has stated, “Since 2006, there has been a healthy uptick in tiger numbers.” This means that there is hope for the tigers to truly survive.