1 Injured In Shooting In Dayton Ohio
Police Looking For Shooter And Driver
May 22, 2023
Police were called in along with medics into the 1,000 block of Philadelphia Drive near Wawona Road, at around 8:30 p.m, according to Montgomery County Regional Dispatch. One person was sent to the hospital after the shooting. According to the staff at WHIOTV7, “News Center 7′s Xavier Hershovitz says police are looking for not just the suspected shooter but another person who drove through the crime scene tape”. Dayton Police Sergeant Jeffrey Spires said that the victim of the shooting was sent to the hospital after being shot multiple times. The victim as of now is still in the hospital in stable condition. Spires also said that the investigation is in its early stages and that they are still looking for a suspect.

There has been no information released about suspects and the Dayton Police told the public to avoid areas blocked off for crime scene tape. The police were still actively searching the area of the shooting after they got there. According to the WHIOTV7 staff, the Dayton Police said, “We had an individual in a vehicle drive through our scene tape and drive up on the officers putting their lives in grave danger. We are actively looking for that vehicle right now but when you see the scene tape and the police lights do not try to drive through that scene”. Like what was said previously there is little information as to who the perpetrators are but they asked that if anyone has any information to call 333-COPS.