The Conjuring, based on a true story, made a groundbreaking launch into the horror movie industry on July 19th, 2013, leaving marks on many to this day. With seamlessly blending spine-chilling scares and a compelling narrative, watchers are on the edges of their seats the whole time. By the use of special effects, historical elements, and mind-blowing scares, The Conjuring is one of the best horror movies in the modern era.
The use of practical effects instead of the focus on excessive CGI, enhanced the realism and engaged a primal fear in watchers. According to Caillou Pettis Movie Reviews, “One of the most impressive aspects of The Conjuring is its ability to create a sense of palpable terror from the very beginning. James Wan, known for his expertise in horror filmmaking, demonstrates his mastery in building tension and suspense. The opening scene, set in a haunted house, immediately immerses the audience in an eerie ambiance, setting the tone for the rest of the film. Wan’s exceptional use of lighting, sound design, and camera angles work together to create an atmosphere of constant dread, making even the simplest scenes fraught with tension” (June 15th, 2023). By using lighting, sound designs, and camera angles all together watchers get a sense of realism that not many other horror films just can’t capture. Director James Wan, does an excellent job including and blending lighting, sound, and camera angles together to captures the primal fear in viewers.
Another strength the movie has is the use of a historical story. The Conjuring is based on a true story of the Perron family and paranormal investigators and demonologists Lorraine and Ed Warren in 1971. James Wan brings this story into a film capturing every ounce he could of fear and realism. Many viewers have heard about the real story and by watching the movie many nightmares and childhood fears get brought to the surface. James Wan uses the timeline and accounts of the true story to show and signify the fear of the Perron Family while also scaring viewers in the process.
The last strength in the movie is the use of characters and relationship building. According to Caillou Pettis Movie Reviews, “The Conjuring‘s narrative is not merely a collection of jump scares and gruesome visuals; it is a story with depth and heart. The screenplay, written by Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes, weaves together supernatural elements, emotional drama, and genuine human connections. The film expertly explores the toll that supernatural encounters take on both the victims and the investigators, delving into the psychological and emotional repercussions of the Warrens’ work. This focus on character development elevates The Conjuring above standard horror fare, allowing audiences to connect with the story on a deeper level” (June 15th, 2023). The use of relationship building between family members and the investigators make viewers get attached and feel connected with the characters. This makes watchers put themselves and their families in their place instead. Characters and relationship building is a big strength of the movie leading people watching to feel connected and more engaged during the movie.
Some would argue that The Conjuring is not a good movie due to the poor choices made by the characters. However, the scenes and situations engage a flight or fight response, and the characters use their gut feelings to react. Many characters are just trying to protect the ones they love no matter what the situation is.
The Conjuring is one of the most liked movies in the horror movie industry. The use of practical effects, historical elements, character choices along with relationship building put the movie beyond most!