On April 19th, a couple living in a 14th century home found an ancient gargoyle statue hiding behind their toilet in the bathroom. Tracy and Rory Vorster live in a Lincoln Cathedral rental home, which is considered to be a building with historical importance. Rory Vorster was shocked to find the gargoyle. According to an article by Good News Network, he said, ““I couldn’t believe it,” said the father of three. “I shouted up to my wife and said ‘I’ve found a thing’.” (Apr 21)

Since the house is a rental home, they cannot remove the gargoyle from the bathroom and are forced to continue living with a monster in their home. To the left is an image of the gargoyle they found in the bathroom. An article by Ben Cost, a writer for the New York Post says, “the stone imp, which has a hole for the mouth and a demonic face like something that’d adorn the door of Dracula’s castle.” (April 19)
Doing some research about the type of gargoyle that was found in the Vorster’s home, it appears to be a Grotesque. Reason being, the majority of images of these architectures show a hole in the stone animal’s mouth (Similar to the one found in the bathroom.) Reading a Wikipedia article about the stone creatures, “Grotesques often depict whimsical, mythical creatures in dramatic or humorous ways.

They have historically been a key element of architecture in many periods including the Renaissance and Medieval periods and have stylistically developed in conjunction with these times.” (April 23) The architectural style is also found in the gothic styles as well.
Thankfully, the couple will stay in their home and embrace the gargoyle in its entirety. Keeping it in the bathroom to watch over them as they bathe.