Former president, Donald Trump, managed the fry station at a McDonald’s in Bucks Country, Pennsylvania on October 20TH, asking comments and questions through the establishment’s drive – thru.
Reporters and Aides observed as Trump was taught how to season the fries, dump them into oil, and also get them into boxes for consumption. The restaurant was closed to normal customers because of Trump’s visit.
This visit took place in response to Trump’s efforts to counter Vice President nominee Kamala Harris’s accounts of her experiences working at various fast food chains during her college years.
According to an AP article, written by Michelle Price and Marc Levy, in previous news outlets, Kamala Harris claims this experience is something that Trump hasn’t endured before.

As a result, depicted in an NBC News article, Trump accused Harris of lying about her experience altogether, saying it was a way to improve her working-class credibility. ( Gomez , Oct 20, )
” It was a big part of her resume that she worked at McDonald’s — how tough a job it was, ”
Trump spoke in the NBC News article, written by Henry Gomez and Jake Traylor, mentioned earlier, at the restaurant in Feasterville, Pennsylvania.
“ She … made the french fries, and she talked about the heat: ‘It was so tough.’ She’s never worked at McDonald’s. ” ( Traylor , Oct 20, )
Towards the end of Trump’s visit, he was later informed that it was Kamala’ 60TH birthday before saying that he might get her flowers or fries as a birthday gift to her.