The President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, has avoided being impeached after majority of his party’s parliament members boycotted the vote, having only three members out of 192 cast a vote. The impeachment vote comes after Yoon declared martial law within South Korea on Tuesday December 3rd, which only ended up lasting around six hours after 190 parliamentary members got together at midnight to vote it down. According to CNN, Yoon has since apologized for his declaration, saying “”I am deeply sorry and sincerely apologize to the citizens who must have been greatly shocked,” Yoon said, acknowledging that he “caused anxiety and inconvenience” to South Korean citizens.” (Seo, Szekeres, Dec. 7th). The leader of the government party in which Yoon is apart of, the People Power Party, have said that they will continue to try and push for Yoon to resign as President, and are trying to minimize the confusion on the situation.

Many government officials have resigned, including the now former Defense Minister Kim Yong Hyun. According to AP News, Kim has now been detained, saying, “On Sunday, ex-Defense Minister Kim Yong Hyun was taken into custody at a Seoul detention facility after undergoing an investigation by prosecutors, a law enforcement official said, requesting anonymity in line with privacy rules” (Kim, Kim, Dec. 8). Following his arrest, Kim Yong Hyun attempted to take his own life while in jail, but was stopped by officials and is now in stable condition. More resignations, including that of President Yoon Suk Yeol, seem inevitable at this point in time, so be on the lookout for news regarding those.