On January 18th, 2025, the New Carlisle Library in Clark County, Ohio, started their first meeting on UFO sightings and other related topics to share phenomena related opinions and observations.
This organization, U.F.O. 101, was recently created to have open discussions about strange sightings, theories, and legends. Specifically, 171 people attended the first meeting. Dayton Daily News states, “Thirty were physically in attendance and 141 attended via Zoom. Ages ranged from teenagers to retirees.” (Dayton Daily News, January 26, 2025).
Unfortunately for the Zoom attendance, they were unable to enjoy the U.F.O. 101 decorated cookies.

According to the previously mentioned Dayton Daily News article, “Streaming was made possible through library representative Tillie Jamison. Information on the new club is available on the New Carlisle Library Facebook page and website, newcarlislelibrary.org in addition to the club’s own Facebook page at ‘U.F.O. 101’. There are already more than 120 followers. Email address is [email protected]”(Dayton Daily News, January 26, 2025).
In terms of what topics were talked about during the meeting, Springfield News-Sun states that, “Group members talked about related topics such as Rh negative blood and Bigfoot. A questionnaire was distributed and aimed at helping a person decide if they really had seen a UFO or had related but forgotten experiences in the past” (Springfield News-Sun, January 26, 2025). The article also states that, “According to David McWhorter (one of the founders of the group), there will be no dues and hopefully a newsletter will be published in the future. He is looking for suggestions of guest speakers and interesting books or websites for research. He manages the Facebook page and is hoping to keep discussions going” (Springfield News-Sun, January 26, 2025).
According to the same previously article by Springfield News-Sun, “this group will be meeting every third Saturday at 2 p.m. at the New Carlisle Public Library, 111 E. Lake Ave, New Carlisle. Streaming will be available via the “U.F.O.101” Facebook page”(Springfield News-Sun, January 26, 2025).