On Tuesday, February 4th, police receive reports of a shooting near Örebro , a city 100 miles away from capital, Stockholm.
The shots were heard at Campus Risbergska, a school for adults who have not completed earlier stages of education. Such facilities are known as a Komvux in Sweden. Komvux facilities provide vocational training, Swedish laughter classes, and other courses that adults may be seeking. They are also used for refugee and migrant populations.
(Pontus Lundahl/TT NEWS AGENCY/AFP/Getty Images)
Videos taken from cellphones show students taking shelter under desks while alarms blare and red lights flash.
Andreas Sundling, a student on campus explains to CNN affiliate Expressen, “We heard bangs and Lou’s screams. At first we didn’t understand what it was, but then we realized it could be gunfire” (Pettersson, Edwards, Dean, Bell, Tanno, Ahlskog, Feb. 12). Sundling also states that blood was seen all over the corridor.
Around 130 police officers responded to the scene and were reported there in just a few minutes. Responding officers described the scene by saying “dead people, injured people, screams and smoke”.
In the attack around 10 people were killed and six injured police explain. The attacker was also dead on the scene.
Once released to the police the CNN articles further explains the injuries of the following, “Three women and two men, all adults, were admitted for gunshot wounds and underwent surgery. Initially thought to have life-threatening injuries, the authorities said the five are now in a “stable but serious” condition” (Pettersson, Edwards, Dean, Bell, Tanno, Ahlskog, Feb. 12).
Days after the attack tried and shock was heavy in the air. Örebro came to together at candlelight vigil to pay respect to the victims and mourners for their lost ones.
(Kicki Nilsson / AFP – Getty Images)
Many family members made statements to CNN. Jenny Samuelsson, sister-in-law to one of the victims states, “They came here to learn, not to die. They were hero to help others, to learn. I have no words. I can’t explain the hole I have in my heart. And why? There is no answer, so what question can I even ask?” (Pettersson, Edwards, Dean, Bell, Tanno, Ahlskog, Feb. 12)