Six Art Classes and Counting
Senior Macey VanShaik Showcases her Talents
VanShaik works on her latest painting.
February 18, 2015
Senior Macey VanShaik has made Northmont a more beautiful and lively place by painting bright murals throughout the school. The murals not only show off VanShaik’s painting skills, but also her sense of humor. Light-spirited paintings of art teachers as Disney princesses and superheroes decorate the walls.
“It’s funny. It all started because she was painting a picture of Jasmine. Then it turned into like a remix, hipster Jasmine. Then it turned into the art department as princesses, and then as heroes,” said art teacher Ms. Christine Hall.
VanShaik’s favorite of her murals is the superhero painting.

She is not only a talented painter, but throughout the day she also studies drawing, ceramics and photography.
“Six of my classes are art classes, it’s pretty amazing,” said VanShaik.
These classes, along with outside projects, keep her busy.
“I’m working on my college portfolio, two portraits for people who asked me to paint them, a project for my Drawing III class, an art with meaning project in my painting class, mugs in ceramics, and some photography stuff,” said VanShaik.
Her involvement with art took off in her high school years.
“When I was very little I recognized my talent, but I began to really branch out my sophomore year,” said VanShaik.
Since then, her relationship with the art teachers has grown closer.
“They help me with everything you could possibly imagine. They’re like second parents,” said VanShaik.
The art teachers appreciate and admire Her effort and talent.
“She’s great. Super. She’s very enthusiastic. She has a good spirit,” said art teacher Mr. Robin Dakin.
The easy-going attitude of the 17-year-old and her work has also been admired by fellow students.
“It (Macey’s mural) has been a good thing for the students to come in and look at. I think it’s boosted morale, and been good for creativity and inspiration,” said Hall.
Although VanShaik is graduating soon, her art career will not end. She intends on attending art school in the fall.
Until then, Northmont hopes to see new work of hers adorning the halls.
“There are still blank walls we need to work with, we’re always coming up with ideas,” said Hall.
Blank walls will serve as VanShaik’s canvases as she continues to use her talent to make the school a more beautiful place.
Lesli Creech • Feb 19, 2015 at 5:20 am
This is my first Granddaughter. I am so proud of you, Macey. What a talented, creative, lovable young woman you are! You will go far with your talent. Keep up the wonderful work.Your art is very cheerful and uplifting.
Aunt Vicky • Feb 18, 2015 at 2:13 pm
Macy this is so creative. Close your eyes , see your dreams and paint them. I was serious about you ceramics. Keep it up. I can see a brand for you. Don’t be afraid to loosen up. Color outside the lines.
Caitlin Cuesta • Feb 18, 2015 at 12:11 pm
I am truly lucky to have such a talented friend like Macey! I know she will go far in life with her artistic abilities!
Cody Matson • Feb 18, 2015 at 11:00 am
Macy is one of the greatest friends I have and I love watching her work. We big each other but in the end we are great.