A Trunkful of Tradition
The Northmont Marching Band Celebrates Halloween

Marching band members compare Halloween treats.
November 3, 2015
Most people are familiar with Trick or Treat, but the Northmont Marching Band puts a spin on the Halloween tradition. On October 29, the band held their annual event “Trunk or Treat” for the fifth year in a row.
“Trunk or Treat has been happening ever since I can remember, and I was first on staff here [Northmont] in 2009,” said Mr. Andrew Brough.
After the band’s Thursday practice behind the middle school, band members – some of who were already donning their Halloween costumes – grabbed their Halloween bags and headed to to the high school parking lot where band parents had the trunks of their cars filled with candy. Most of the cars were decorated with caution tape, strobe lights, pumpkins, and cobwebs.
“My favorite thing about Trunk or Treat is being able to have fun with my friends and getting a lot of candy,” said senior Drum Major Nathan Paul.
This event provides another opportunity for the band to bond with one another.
“It was fun seeing my friends and the parents in their costumes for Halloween,” said sophomore Bobby Gaylor. “This year, for me, was a lot more fun because of the costumes and the decorations on people’s cars.”
Over 50 “trunks” participated in the event.
“I loved this year. It was a blast looking at all of the costumes and seeing the parents having fun passing out the candy and especially walking past the trunks and comparing,” said sophomore Morgan Roberts.
However, the event was smaller than in previous years.
“I personally had more fun my freshman year,” said sophomore Morgan Roberts who said last year there were a lot more people in band and the event itself was bigger.
Over 150 participated in this year’s celebration.