A Harmonious Dedication
Students Share Musical Talents at Dedication
Community members sit along Thunderbolt Way as orchestra students perform during the dedication event (Photograph courtesy of Mr. Steve Shaw).
January 25, 2016
On January 10, 2016, the doors of the brand new Northmont High School were opened to the community. Scores of people attended the event, and were entertained by the musical talents of the Orchestra, Jazz Band, Drama Club, Encore, and Catalyst.
“Overall, I think the weather kept a lot of people from showing up. The people I talked to were impressed with the new school and stayed to watch the performances,” said band director Mr. Andrew Brough.
The Drama Club is currently in the process of working on a musical called He’s a Good Man, Charlie Brown. The cast got to give the audience a preview of their show.
“I thought the kids did a fantastic job. They had been practicing for a little bit before break, but they all came back knowing all their lines and lyrics,” said Drama Club Director Mr. Ranger Puterbaugh.
Performances took place on the stage located along Thunderbolt Way.

“It was nice to perform for everyone there and it felt good to see that they enjoyed it,” said senior Encore member Jacky Maggard.
The dedication event included the ceremony, performances, and tours of the new building.