Scheduled Maintenance
The 2016-2017 Scheduling Process Begins
February 4, 2016
Scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year begins February 1. Juniors schedule the first week of February; sophomores begin scheduling on February 8; freshmen begin scheduling February 16.
It is the process itself, not the actual choosing of classes, which is frustrating for some.
“The process should go faster [so that] it doesn’t take up as much of our class time,” said sophomore Maddie Jaehnen, of the 50-minute presentation all underclassmen must sit through, as well as the class period spent standing in line in the counseling center.
Others feel the date to make final choices is too soon, especially this year with the extended Winter Break.
“[I think] scheduling should be later because people change their minds. [Pushing it back] would allow students to think more about their class options,” said sophomore Michael Federle.
However, not all students wish to see the scheduling process changed.
“[I think] scheduling should stay the same,” said sophomore Christian Bryant, even though he still doesn’t know what classes he is
Others like they can expect scheduling at the same time every year.
“[I think] the scheduling date should stay the same because students know the time frame, which [makes people] think about classes earlier,” said freshman Delaney Schmidt.
Regardless, scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year has begun, so expect to see scheduling cards in the hallway and lines in the counseling center.