WWJD?: Cheating

Juniors Akilah Parker and Bethel Aseffa pose as cheaters.
September 18, 2014
Cheating is a problem that has plagued high schools for decades. Some may even consider it to be an epidemic. It is becoming more and more common and even easier to do as technology is integrated into school buildings and answers can be shared in an instant.
As high school students, we are beginning to use cheating as a survival method. Cheating is convenient. It’s a way to get good grades without doing the hard work. It’s so easy. And the use of iPads and technology in schools today makes it even easier to share and copy information.
With that being said, people cheat for reasons beyond pure laziness. Some busier students resort to cheating when they don’t have time to do homework or study. These students usually have jobs, or are involved in clubs or sports. Cheating saves time and energy, and helps these busy students maintain a nice GPA without having to dedicate all of their time to schoolwork.
Others cheat because they really struggle in their classes. These students often find themselves in “cheat or fail” situations, with cheating obviously being the more popular choice. They’ve tried to learn the material and have sought help but still do not understand the material they’re being tested over. To them, cheating appears to be the only option.
Those reasons help to explain why people cheat. But here is a list of reasons for why you should not:
- You should not cheat simply because it is dishonest. Cheating is something that can weigh on your conscience and really make you feel bad about yourself.
- No true satisfaction comes from cheating. Cheaters cannot celebrate or feel proud when they excell. Conquering a tough lesson on your own or passing a difficult test that you studied hard for is extremely satisfying and boosts your self-esteem.
- Asking your friends for answers and work can make them feel bad they do not feel comfortable with cheating. It puts them in an extremely awkward position.
- Or, your friends will feel too comfortable with cheating and expect you to provide them with the answers they need. This exchange of work can become tricky and if the system ever fails, your friendship could be in jeopardy.
- Cheating provides an unfair advantage and can cause some of your peers to suffer.
- If you get caught, all is lost. Not only will you get a zero on the assignment, but you will also find yourself talking with administration, a Saturday school, a call home and whatever punishment your parents give you. And on top of that, every teacher will begin to pay more attention to you and your work to make sure you’re being honest. I mean, you’ll basically be blacklisted. It’s just not worth it.
It’s understood that cheating is quick and easy. I completely understand why people turn to it in order to get through school. The temptation to cheat is strong and always present. However, you will feel much better as a student and an individual if you are honest. You’ll actually learn and you’ll maintain stability in your friendships.
At the end of the day, whether or not you cheat is your decision.
What Would Jaylin Do? Try her hardest to resist the temptation to cheat on school work.
Batman • Oct 16, 2014 at 10:29 am
If teachers would teach what is on the test and stop making ridiculously difficult quizzes, I’m guessing cheating would mostly cease. Stop putting all the blame on the students. Is the options are cheat or fail, do you really expect anyone to pick fail?