College Week

Northmont Goes Above and Beyond Compared to Other Schools

College Week

Caysean Hayes, Staff Writer

October 22 through Thursday, October 25 Northmont High School hosted the 40th annual college week.

New counselor Mrs. Mohler was very much impressed with the College Week tradition at Northmont High School.  “Most high schools don’t do near as much as Northmont.  They typically only have a couple college visitors at random times throughout the year,” states Mohler.

College week is the week where many different colleges come in and give information about their school to students wanting to attend. These meetings let students meet with representatives from schools and ask them any questions they have.

It is something unique to Northmont since it allows students to get personal contact with the admissions people,” said Ms. Amy Peters, guidance counselor.

This can help students decide what college to go to if they feel like the school is welcoming and they have that connection then they will feel comfortable about going to that school. This could give students a familiar face to help them if they get homesick.

Northmont’s college week is different from other schools because instead of having a lot of colleges in the gym at once they are one at a time and you can pick your specific one.