Spirit Week Results

Students would rather vote on themes than participate

Spirit Week Results

A survey was sent out to high school students a week after homecoming. Out of 110 responses, more freshmen answered taking up 31.8% of the responses. Then came sophomores with 29.1%, seniors with 23.6%, then juniors with 15.5%. 73.6% of responders participated in spirit week, and 32 students participated in 3 out of the 4 days. According to students, their favorite theme was class color day with a total of 29.1% followed by decades day with 22.7%, twin day with 18.2%, none with 16.4%, and circle of life day with 10%. 28 students said their dream theme is pajama day and several responders said the themes would be more enjoyable if students got to vote on them. There were more responders who participated in 2 days rather than 4 because of the themes that were chosen. According to an unnamed student, “I couldn’t find any clothes that went with spirit week.” Many other students responded with this. An issue like this could be avoided by choosing easy, but fun themes to use. Only 7 more students participated in 4 out of 4 days compared to none of them. Even though 73.6% of respondents participated, that still leaves 26.1% of students that did not. Spirit day is an event made to bring our school together. Because of this, our school should work together to celebrate this as a group.