The College Board Reveals New AP African American Studies Course.
The College Board Is Now Officially Unveiling The New African American Studies Course On The Very First Day Of Black History Month.

Announcement Of AP African American hIstory Course.
February 13, 2023
As the world is evolving all around us every minute, so are the school systems and new things can be added any day. The new college AP African American studies course layout was just released on February 1, 2023, and will be available as a course in the 2024-2025 school year. This course will truly take everyone finally to get some true knowledge of African American History and not just what’s in the textbooks written many years ago. “The 221-page framework details the required course content and includes an overview of what high school students will encounter on the course’s exam for college credit and placement.” says Nicole Chavez February, 1st, 2023

The new AP African American studies course will give college students all around America an image of what African American people have gone through and go through now on a daily basis. This course covers many topics including history, literature, the arts, geography and science. But the course is just not limited to just these topics on the course and there are many topics still being discussed. Including topics like African American queer studies and African American feminism. Also in this course, “As with all AP courses in the humanities, this is a course that offers direct engagement with evidence and events.” says the College Board February, 1st, 2023
Although we have this new course now this course took a lot longer than you might think to really come to light. Some things take longer than others to really get even a dose of attention from the College Board. “For more than a decade, the AP Program has worked alongside colleges, universities, and secondary schools to create an AP course in African American studies,” says the College Board February, 1st, 2023 But finally after long enough now everyone around America will soon enough get a actual view on African American history.