Paranormal Activity is a groundbreaking movie that was released in 2007, which left an incredible mark on the horror movie industry. The filmmaker, Oren Peli, uses a minimalistic approach that drives a primal fear in watchers. Paranormal Activity falls above other horror movies in the industry due to the home camera footage, small scenes, and the physiological elements rather than gore like other horror movies.
One of the film’s strengths is the edgebreaking camera footage throughout the movie. JP Nunez at Horror Obsessive writes “ I feel like I’m actually looking through the lens of Micah’s camera and seeing my biggest fears come true right in front of me, and I can’t imagine anything scarier than that” (8-21-21). By showing the camera footage in the movie it shows the progression of paranormal activity in the house. Many viewers claim that by using the footage it creates a primal fear in them since it feels so realistic.

Another big strength the movie has is the small scary scenes throughout the movie that make viewers imagine themselves in the position of Katie and Micah. For example at the beginning of the movie we see their bedroom door start to shut and open back up again. This starts to make viewers think about the noises they have heard in their house at night and if it is happening to them too. Another example would be when Katie’s side of the blanket gets pulled. Most people are already scared of this happening and by seeing it in the footage ignites the fear back up in them. These small scenes might seem insignificant to some but they are a major factor in the overall tone of the movie and how scared the viewers get.
One more strength that puts Paranormal Activity over other horror movies is the use of psychological elements in the movie and the little to no use of gore. JP Nunez at Horror Obsessive writes, “Granted, not all ghost and demon movies scare me. In fact, most don’t, so this by itself doesn’t explain why I think Paranormal Activity is the scariest film ever made. It’s just the first step, but it’s the foundation the other two are built on”( 8-21-21). The premise the movie is built around freaks out viewers since they are helpless amongst spiritual things. This drives fear into whoever watches.

Some people would say Paranormal Activity isn’t as good as other horror movies due to the content of the movie. But Paranormal activity triggers real life fear in viewers as they watch that will stick with them.
Paranormal Activity isn’t like traditional horror movies. This movie stands as an example of the power the horror movie industry holds. The camera footage, small scary scenes, and the psychological elements in the movie truly enhances the movie Paranormal Activity above others.