The Super Bowl is one of the most anticipated events in America. In recent years, a Taylor Swift concert is also an incredibly anticipated event, globally. Now of course Taylor doesn’t have the most expensive concert tickets ever. Her most expensive tickets can be found to cost around $7,000, but an average ticket costs about anywhere from $500-$700 for what are considered to be “nosebleed” seats. (Jason Pham, Style Caster, Oct. 18 2023) To the average middle class worker, $7,000 is a lot of money. But, when comparing Taylor Swift’s concert tickets to Super Bowl tickets, she doesn’t even scratch the surface. Looking at seats available on TicketMaster, seats up front on the 50 yard line cost up to $55,000 per ticket. Continuing to look on TicketMaster, the cheapest ticket offered for the Super Bowl is $8,195. Those seats are all the way at the back of the stadium.

In my opinion, for those extreme prices, it is obviously more logical and cost effective to just stay home and watch the Super Bowl with friends and family. With your tv provider, or anyway you can find the Super Bowl on streaming or cable tv, it is so much cheaper than going to see the game in person. Also with that, Taylor Swift concert tickets are around $500 a ticket. Last year in October, Taylor released “Taylor swift: The Eras Tour” which was a movie showing off the tour for people to see in movie theaters. Do you know how much a movie ticket costs? $20. (According to Fandango) This doesn’t include popcorn or snacks bought at the theater, but still, if you’re one person going to see this movie, there is no way you should get to the cost of actual concert tickets.

Yes, some people will pay anything for these tickets, Super Bowl or Taylor Swift concerts alike, but what could we do if we can see them happen together? When would the Super Bowl need to happen in order to have Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl. Currently the Super Bowl is to be held on February 11th, 2024. Currently Taylor Swift will be in Tokyo, Japan. It is very difficult to get her to Las Vegas on time for the Super Bowl because they have a time difference of 17 hours. The Eras Tour concert is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, and the concert starts at 6 pm (Japan time) on February 10th, so it would end around 9:30 pm. The Super Bowl starts at 6:30 the next day (the 11th). Looking at, the quickest flight from Tokyo to Las Vegas is a 12 hr flight, there is only one flight available that departs at 9:55 pm. So she would have to run to the airport, get on the flight, only to get to las Vegas by 5:53 pm, which gives her about 30 minutes to get to the stadium. I say she could make it. If all the organizers and planners don’t believe this would work out, there is one other option.
Taylor Swift is back in the country in November. She performs in Louisiana around Halloween, then in Indianapolis November 3rd. (According to Ticketmaster) But then she’s performing in Canada on the 14th of November. So we would have to move the Super Bowl to November 10th 2024 in order for Taylor to be in the country and with no concert interrupting her.