Two giant pandas from China are expected to be moved to San Diego Zoo soon, and leaders from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance recently traveled to China to meet the pandas.
In a CBS News article written by Caitlin O’Kane, it is explained that The China Wildlife and Conservation Association has been lending pandas to the United States since 1972 and these pandas have been taken to places like the Smithsonian National Zoo, Atlanta Zoo, Memphis Zoo and San Diego Zoo in an agreement referred to as “panda diplomacy” (April 29th).
A news release published to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance website on April 29th gives information about the two pandas who are expected to come to San Diego as a part of “panda diplomacy” soon. The news release reads, “San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance conservation and care team leaders recently visited China and met Yun Chuan (pronounced yoon chu-an) and Xin Bao (pronounced sing bao) the two giant pandas to be cared for by San Diego Zoo.”

The aforementioned news release continues, writing that Yun Chuan is “a nearly five-year-old male panda” and is “mild-mannered, gentle and lovable.” It is also explained in the same news release that Zhen Zhen, his mother, was born at the San Diego Zoo in 2007 (April 29th).
The second panda coming to San Diego is also described in the new release published to the San Diego Wildlife Alliance website. It is stated that “Xin Bao is a nearly four-year-old female giant panda who was born in Wolong Shenshuping Panda Base. She is described as a gentle and witty introvert with a sweet round face and big ears” (April 29th).
In the previously mentioned CBS News article written by Caitlin O’Kane it is stated that the giant pandas are expected to arrive in San Diego this summer (April 29th).