Black Box Improv, a theater in Dayton, has announced its third annual Kidprov Summer Camp dates and performances. Tickets are $350 each and secures a spot in the summer camp. Black Box is a theater dedicated to the art of improv, making it their entire concept. From improvised musicals to improv games, they host many events with the concept. The past two improv events have been very successful, selling out completely on the second annual Kidprov event. Performance nights are open to the public and consist of several theater games

According to the Dayton Black Box Improv website, “We are excited to announce a five-day experience over the summer for kids (ages 9-12 & 13-17) to try their hand at improv right in their backyard. Each student will play their hearts out learning the power of listening, character building, and something in the improv world known as “yes, and,” all while making new friendships along the way. Not to mention, they’ll be looking stylish in their Black Box Improv Summer Camp T-Shirt.” In an interview conducted with Mel Ashworth, a previous Kidprov student, they had this to say:
How long have you been doing Kidprov with Black Box?
”Two years.”
How different were the two years? Is there anything that made one more fun than the other?
”The first year was definitely filled with people who were much different from the people in the second year, as in, most of them had pretty similar personalities in the first year, but I think there was a more diverse crowd in the second year, and, because more of us knew each other, it was easier to work together in the second year. We were all pretty accepting and supportive of each other which helped more.”
Are you planning on returning for a third year? If so, what are you looking forward to?
“I am planning to return, and I look forward to just having fun, performing, and making connections with people.”
Out of all your time with Black Box, what’s your favorite experience you’ve had?
”That’s a tough one, but I really enjoyed testing my skills when another member and I had been given a very simplistic prompt that we played out in about 20 seconds and still had plenty of time to go without much to work off of, but we still made a good, fluid scene despite having nothing more to work with other than random things that we came up with on the spot.”
Finally, how would you rate your overall experience with Dayton Black Box?