Kids in the Hall: What Will Be Your Most Difficult Exam?

Rylie Richard, Staff Writer

"World history because I don't like World History"- freshman Breanne Groves
“World history because I don’t like World History.”- freshman Breanne Groves
"Physics, because you either know the math or you don't."  - junior Cody Matson
“Physics, because you either know the math or you don’t.”
– junior Cody Matson
"Pre Calc because I have forgotten a lot of the equations and formulas." -senior Adrain Matske. "AP Stats because we never actually got a review for the exam." -senior Cassie Boegel
“Pre Calc because I have forgotten a lot of the equations and formulas.”
-senior Adrian Matzke.
“AP Stats because we never actually got a review for the exam.”
-senior Cassie Boegel
"Math, because the teacher did not gve us a good review and I feel i was not prepared well enough." -sophomore Lamar Ross
“Math, because the teacher did not gve us a good review and I feel I was not prepared well enough.” -sophomore Lamar Ross