Internet Activism

Internet Activism

Alexandria Montgomery

Across generations, there are many differences in perceptions, values, and ideologies. A consensus, however, could be made that despite this disparity, the internet unifies age groups in the way that it shapes their understanding of the world in which they live and raises, or even razes, their cognizance of social, political, and economic issues facing themselves and their global compatriots.

Internet activism is the name attributed to the act of utilizing the internet’s inherent power as a platform for progressive ideas, urgent information, and marginalized causes to be shared with the mainstream public. Those who engage in this form of educating others on issues through the internet proudly tout themselves as internet activists. These young Angelas (as in Angela Davis), however, are receiving much scrutiny from their fellow citizens of the internet. While some who deem themselves as such do not partake in much influential action – whether it be through a screen or on the streets – there is definitely a population of people with an acumen for sharing information and ideologies through the internet.

My presence in various realms of the internet – Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, WordPress, etc. – marks the beginnings of multiple journeys to understanding the world in which we reside and how the realm in which we all reside effects the quality of the worlds we retreat into – whether it be physical or nonphysical. Various issues, causes, and ideologies shared through these social media have exposed me to facets of the human condition I otherwise would have never perceived, understood, or worked to reshape and reform. Structurally complex issues working as adjuncts to one another to oppress, whether intentionally or unintentionally, groups of people, called intersectionality, was bought to my attention by these very activists people are reluctant to acknowledge as such. My, along with many others, desire to dismantle and examine the systems and institutions that work as the integral foundation of intersecting oppressive systems is satiated only by internet activism, as many young people use their Twitters, Tumblrs, and WordPresses as platforms for ideas to proliferate from.

Our thousands of Twitter followers aren’t flooded with tweets solely about the trivialities of our days. We tweet, instagram, and blog important information that serves only one purpose: to spread information that, when dismantled examined both individually and in relation to the whole, in hopes that this raising of social consciousness will tip the dominoes in the direction of change.