The Music Man

(Only Part of) The Ryan Chatterton Story


Mr. Ryan Chatterton meets with his fifth period orchestra class in the VMR.

Micah Via, Staff Writer

Recently, student’s have been notified that a BISD dress-code policy will now be more strictly enforced around campus. The policy states that students are not allowed to wear holes in their jeans that go above their fingertips, even if covered by clothes such as tights or Spandex.

Many students were confused, and maybe even a bit irritated by the ‘new’ policy.

“I think it’s is stupid,” Senior Lillianne Cervantes said. “I don’t understand why we can’t even wear covered holes anymore.”

Turns out, the rule as always been written this way, but has not been a priority when enforcing dress code throughout campus.

“The student population was hard to fight, and it was difficult to enforce the rule when many just wore tights or spandex underneath anyways,” Shannon Hester, Dean of Student Services says, “but with the growing need for security, Mr. Massey decided to enforce the rule as it was stated.”

Although many students seem to disapprove of the new rule, apparently, many are actually just going along with it.

“The student’s are probably abiding to the new rule because we notified them of the decision in advance,” Hester said.

Many people around in the community were involved with the decision to enforce this new rule– including parents and teachers.

“Mr. Massey sent out a community and staff survey in regard to the dress code, and allowed them to insert their own opinion on the matter,” Hester said. “He also met with each campus in the district, so that the finalized decision wouldn’t be made with only one’s point of view.”

In the future, there is hope that students will warm up to the newly enforced rule, and that the generalstudent population will begin to realize its importance to school discipline and safety.