Ricks newly announced book

Rick’s newly announced book

Monica Veach, Staff Writer

First on the list, is the stuff hopefully every Percy Jackson fan should know about, casting. When the casting came out, there was no doubt that there would be some backlash from some “fans”. I say this because if you really were a part of the Percy Jackson fandom, you would trust the process and Rick’s judgment. Now, I will say that I was a little confused at first when Annabeth was cast but, I realized that “hey this is Uncle Rick we’re talking about. He knows what he’s doing.” Turns out, he did and the trio is now cooking Disney Plus series magic up in Vancouver, Canada. Walker was great in The Adam Project, and I can’t speak for Secret Headquarters because I haven’t seen it. I have seen a couple of movies that Arayn Simhadri is in and he played those roles great. I love how Nancy Bobafit is still a redhead (if that’s an offensive term I am so sorry).

I’m really excited to see all of the cast on screen, and can’t wait to see who Posiden will be. It’s widely thought that Logan Lerman should be Posiden. However, I think this could be problematic for those who haven’t read the books. Seeing Logan in Percy Jackson and the Olympians as Percy, then seeing him as Poseidon could be confusing to some. Speaking of confusion, I still can’t wrap my head around why Rick insists on mentally torturing us.

If you haven’t read Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze, spoiler ahead, our beloved Jason Grace died in that book. This causes issues since Rick’s new book The Chalice of the Gods, takes place after Heroes of Olympus but before the Trials of Apollo.

Rick’s newly announced book

Do you know what that means, fans get to feel the sadness of knowing Jason is going to die that entire book if he shows up. Something that will probably warrant some major booking chucking. It is set to be dropped at about the same time as the series. I recently (a few months ago) read Daughter of the Deep. I almost threw the book. I was very close, but I used self-control, mainly because I threw my Percy Jackson books and now some of them are dented. A website to check out is Rick Riordan’s own website, That’s where he posts big stuff coming up and some casting updates when there are some. Another website is, which has sets of quizzes and all of the mythology books he has worked on. On the wonderful topic of the cast, I’m personally excited to see what the wonderful Jessica Parker Kennedy is going to bring to the table for Medusa. CW’s Flash fans will recognize her as Nora West-Allen. I think she’s gonna be a great addition to the cast, with other projects in progress that probably have me ranting this concludes my humble Percy Jackson, for now.