The UK’s Confusing State of Government

What The New Prime Minister Needs to do to Stay in Power

Rishi Sunak arrives at his office. From CNN Business

Rishi Sunak arrives at his office. From CNN Business

Henry Colley-Lambright, Staff Writer

Recent events in the UK have caused rapid changes in governance. This year has seen three separate prime ministers and two monarchs. This has thrown the UK into a state of political confusion with its future uncertain.

Image of Johnson partying during the UK’s covid lockdowns, from The National. (Microsoft Office User)

Boris Johnson was forced to step down from his role as British prime minister after a culmination of scandals was revealed, the most prominent being the party gate scandal. According to National, Johnson and his staff were having parties during London’s secure Covid lockdown. This ultimately led to Johnson’s resignation and a new prime minister.

Liz Truss replaced Johnson as the Prime Minister of the conservative party after Johnson’s resignation. Her term lasted a grand total of fifty days. CNN claims Truss’s bold tax cut gambles did not help her shaky hold on the title. The quick failure of these plans led to the resignations and firings of several members of Truss’s cabinet and eventually Truss herself in late October.

Rishi Sunak has been appointed as the newest prime minister. Sunak has already started vowing to end “woke” policies. Fox News shows an example of the UK’s police arresting citizens for reposting homophobic social media posts. The police claim that these posts “cause anxiety,” which is apparently enough for the police to arrest these citizens. These are signs that Rishi Sunak does hope to make a difference since he’s already pushing to end these policies. But should Sunak really be pushing already?

The fall of the two prime ministers who have resigned has been two separate but easily predictable bad decisions. Johnson put hypocritical rules in place that he himself could not follow. This follows the unfortunate norm nowadays where politicians seem to think they are above the law, fortunately, Johnson paid for his poor choices with his role as prime minister. Liz Truss made another common mistake as a politician, she pushed too hard. Her bold tax cut ideas and quick changes in policies were too much for a new prime minister to enforce. Truss later fired one of her closest allies from her cabinet in a final attempt to salvage her position; this ended in failure. These foolish mistakes need to be avoided by Sunak if he wants to keep a hold on his position in the fragile state of government in the UK.

If Sunak does attempt to push too hard to end “woke” policies, he will end up in failure like his predecessor. The only path forward for a steady term for Sunak is to take it slow. This is the only way to have a successful term as prime minister.

The added pain of the death of such a great monarch places only more strain on the new prime minister. Hopefully, Sunak is able to lead the country out of this time of confusion and become the positive change the UK, and the world, need.