Mike Pence releases $10M ad due to invasion on Ukrian

Mike pence releases $10M ad buy Pushing American Energy Production Amid Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Logan Dunn

Former Vice President Mike Pence group releases a $10M ad on Mach 7, 2022, to push American energy production amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Pence released this ad campaign Monday morning targeting multiple congressional Democrats and pushing for American energy independence amid Russia’s invasion on Ukraine that started back on February 24, 2022, Pence’s organization, Advancing American Freedom, advocating for, “Conservative values and policy proposals,” launched its first ad buy with an ad titled “Horrific Decision.”AAF believes the ad to run in a number of media markets in states across the nation.

“In order to set the United States back on a path of energy independence, we need Congress to stand up to the Russian President Vladimir Putin and stand up for American Energy,” Pence said Monday. “It’s time for President Biden to demonstrate American strength by restarting the Keystone Pipeline, restoring oil and natural gas leases, issuing sanctions, and imposing embargoes on all oil and gas exports from Russia.”

On Sunday March 6,2022, Secretary of State Antony Blinken mentioned that “The U.S. is contemplating a ban on Russian oil imports “in coordination” with European and NATO allies amid bipartisan requires a full embargo whereas Russia continues its invasion on overtaking Ukraine to restart the Soviet Union.